Speed dating studies
Researchers hate relying on surveys. They assume that people will lie, give the socially acceptable answer, or, in the case of hypothetical questions, just make something up. So researchers prefer to rely on revealed preferences , i.e. what people actually do rather than what they say . Some of this data can be found in historical records, but occasionally researchers get to run actual experiments. And when it comes to human attraction, their preferred experiment is speed dating , where a bunch of men and women chat to each other for a few minutes, mark their card yes or no , then move on to the next person. Looks matter In the paper HurryDate: Mate preferences in action researchers analysed the results of commercial speed dating events and found that Men were attracted to women based on weight and age. Women were attracted to men based on looks, height, and age. They also found that men who were in good shape with a high income were the pickiest, while t...